On the Brink of Collapse: Fiscal Policy in Post-Revolution Iran

The Iranian Revolution of 1979 was a large-scale nationalist and religious movement. It resulted from various political and economic factors, including the Shah’s questionably close ties to the United States, rampant corruption throughout the Iranian government, and the inequitable distribution of wealth in Iran.[ii] Although the Revolution was widely embraced by a sizable segment of the Iranian population, it caused irreparable economic damage that is still being felt throughout the country to this day.

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Making the World Safe for Democracy: Wilsonianism Revisited

In declaring war on Germany in 1917, President Woodrow Wilson defined the central goal of his vision for American foreign policy by asserting that “the world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon the tested foundations of political liberty.”[i]Wilson ingrained this philosophy, known as Liberal Internationalism, into the psyche of the American public by advocating for the promotion of democracy, economic openness, well-structured multilateral institutions, and American leadership. 

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